Fiber Optic Crystals

Fiber Optic Crystals

HTMS, a leading supplier of birefriengent crystals to the fiber optic market, has available high quality YVO4 and TiO2 (rutile) crystals. 

Because of its large birefringence and wide transparency range, YVO4 is an ideal choice for optical polarizing components such as fiber optic isolators, circulators, and beam displacers. Rutile or TiO2 is a more chemically resistant and physically robust crystal with a high index of refraction and large birefringence. This makes rutile suitable for beam displacers and optical isolators.

Lithium Niobate - LiNbO3
Crystals have good strength and properties for electro-optical, pyroelectric, and SAW devices. Crystal wafers have exceptional surface finishes and accurately oriented surfaces and edges, cut to standard orientations. Non linear crystals available as wafers or boules 2", 3" and 4" diameter. Applications include SAW devices, SHG and OPO.

Lithium Tantalate - LiTaO3
Crystals have good strength and properties for electro- optical, pyroelectric, and SAW devices. Crystal wafers have exceptional surface finishes and accurately oriented surfaces and edges, cut to standard orientations.

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